Mettez les phrases suivantes au style indirect. Attention à bien effectuer toutes les modifications nécessaires. Cliquez ensuite sur "Correction". Vous pouvez utiliser "Aide" pour obtenir une lettre indice mais vous perdrez des points !

1. Bob: 'You're looking nice today.'
Bob said she .
2. Bob: 'What did you do yesterday?'
Bob asked her .
3. Bob: 'What will you do tomorrow?'
Bob asked them .
4. Bob: 'What are you going to do now?'
Bob asked him .
5. Bob: 'I'll show you the photographs if you sit down.'
Bob told him .
6. Bob: 'I don't want to go there alone.'
Bob said .
7. Bob: 'Can I get you something to eat?'
Bob asked her .
8. Bob: 'What have you been doing?'
Bob asked him .
9. Bob: 'Are you ready?'
Bob asked them .
10. Bob: 'I must leave right now.'
Bob said .